




Saturday, December 20, 2014

The last 2 months of 2014

November was a busy month for me.
Busying about my assignments, my tournaments, my team,coaching ,training,and also my final exam.

But first let me relax for a while.

went sushi king with friends  - sushi king buy one free one every tuesday and friday at jaya one 

After then we went The Library coffee shop to do some revision .
First , I asked the staff can your coffee shop's coffee got some patterns on the top of coffee?
She said can and asked me what pattern I want to put on ?
I looked around the coffee shop.Then I answered, neh!follow this one lah .The picture which is hanging on the wall.

I was looking forward with excitement to wait for my coffee .
But............... Haizzz.......

You think this is look alike with the picture of hanging on the wall ?
Do you think my recognition ability got problem?

Finally, exam was over.
Goodbye and good luck guys.
See you all next year.


正式宣布放假啦 而且还是放两个月
虽然身边的朋友个个都羡慕我有将长的假期 但我还是觉得放太长的时间了

最闷是小学教球下雨 真的很无奈
由于下雨天不能在球场练球 那只好到礼堂给他们玩些小游戏
虽然这视频没有声音 但是在现场他们的声量可说是大如雷声

下雨天 就是会让球员感到纳闷无趣
全部都准备好练球 甚至还跑圈热身了

下雨天 就在神庙前拍个照

不懂 可能还是喜欢跟自己的队或州队的人一起打球
下到场 还真的不懂自己要做什么
有嘴巴又不要讲 就摆样子给我们看
但毕竟大家都练了这么多次球 基本的沟通和默契都应该有吧? 我是说应该啦...
但还是要谢谢教练和球队 我也在这赛会学了不少东西

MWBL - Seven Star Team

虽然进不到决赛圈 但成绩还过得去
你要一支球队来自不同的学校 甚至有些还不认识自己的队友
下场就会是片地鳞伤 不堪设想
加油吧 孩子们
Gombak United White Team (2014)

Gombak United Red Team (2014)


做三天 第一天跟一位不认识的女子一起
我心想 不能这样下去 不然我会闷死
于是我就向前开口跟她聊天 不到20分钟后
谈个不停! 女生嘛 总是那么的多话聊
我知道她只是做一天 明天开始会有个新的女子来代替
第二天 我跟我的主管报告说我到了
她问我新的那位女子到了吗 我说没有
她就打电话过来问我 你有朋友要做工吗
我立马打电话问曼妮 叫她马上飞过来做工
主管还吩咐我叫我不要一直讲话 还有和曼妮要分开站
铁定是第一天那时有人打小报告 说我们一直讲话
哎 你的摊子都没有生意 不讲话要做么
就这样曼妮陪我做两天 不要跟曼妮讲话是吗
他不错 很好聊 聊着聊着 又过一天了
可是他第三天没有来做 顿时心想那就没有人陪我聊天了
第三天 还不错 时间很快过 又早放工
Midvalley - Kids Fair

虽然我不知道他在是不是更年期 但这是我六年级开始打球以来第一次看他这样对发我脾气(还有两个也中招)哈哈
现在想回原来当一个人在生气时 真的什么话都可以讲的多么的不可理喻  
也好奇的是现在比完赛了 你有没有觉得你有那么一点点一点点的不可理喻?

对不起 我不是在记仇 只是我会很清楚的记得9.12.2014这一场球赛发生过什么事
我是怎样的去完成比赛 怎样去达到你对我们的要求 怎样跑要已经到断气都不要跟你说我累了我要出场休息一下
最大功臣 - 曼妮姐


由于ISKL的“不服输”? 所以又再下一个礼拜 邀请我们打多一次友谊赛
这次我们五个终于可以当first five了 哈哈哈
全部好像还是小学鸡将 连人盯人都会漏人
每次一个帮忙补位 另一个就空了 将就给人家射进球了

这次倒数人家一分 只能说裁判加油好吗



我还真的是没有那种公主命 逛街一下脚就累了
比打球还累 腰酸的不得了

恭喜雪州女子获得2014年Agong Cup 的冠军
虽然我没有参与在其中 但身为观众的我 都会以她们为荣 甚至觉得很感动
Selangor Team - Agong Cup 2014

当然 我的夜生活也不会少掉

现在是心累了 很多事都不能像以前那样
有时真的累得不懂怎样形容 但却睡不着

如果说 身体累了可以休息 脑子累了可以睡觉
心累了呢 要怎样办



Friday, November 14, 2014


[Pls dont try to guees or understand what I'm writing ,I beg you.]



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy Halloween

31 0ct 2014 ( Halloween)

This is my first time to celebrate Halloween with teammates. Incidentally to celebrate JiaLe's birthday .Although no makeup no special clothing for halloween( we have batman's clothes), but we hv a lot of wines and beers. Fortunately, they didnt play such as annabelle or something ghosts in front of me. Otherwise, I'll drive myself then back to kepong.hahaha.. just kidding lah ..

oppp.. forgot to take photo with all of the yellow batman shirt 

Happy Birthday to you,JiaLe(29/10)
all the wishes I ady wrote for you on msg..
pls rmb our prosime - keep in touch ...

Guess what ?? haha

Those of all are finished by us.Pls give us a big big applause ........wow...
How many cups I hv drank.I think that's a unknown number for me. haha
I found out, after drinking really easy to sleep. They asked me about the last night, you know him vomit?  My answer always is
DONT KNOW. I should say, if the earthquakes or fires, I think I will die inside these disasters.haha..

A great night with them .Appreciate it.


Today, I done all of my assignments and midterm tests like finally.Feel like holiday mood on again . haha
But so bad, after 2 weeks is fianl exam turn.haizz. I will study hard from now ,cuase I want 3 of these subjects's grade at 4.0!! I think that's impossible .haha.But I will try my best lah .

**My english level is not good as you, pls accommodate it.okay?.haha
  I'm improving my english writing .

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Can I?

Whether or not enough to sleep every day on this two months? Recently will feel heartache.My brain can't really function. And even memorise a simple word or song name is hard to memorised. I don't go to sleep, but fell asleep for to fear someone who looking me then can't find me or I'll think of some things that I don't want to think about. I really want a close my eyes and immediately to fall asleep, but. Less than a month will have my final exam.How can I memorise all of my notes? How to get good grades?  I want to pull up my CGPA !!pls! Can I sleep well ?Who has a better way?
These two months are busying on tournaments and training, it is very enjoyable but tiring. Sometimes too tired to pick up hands and feet ady , but my brain is still awake.Sometimes, classes in the morning, afternoon and night have to teach three sections of balls or even went to training, after those then hang out with friends at midnight .These are all became my habits?Can I get a healthy body ?
Short sem is not imagined easily. I think it is more tiring and more annoying as all subjects, homeworks and assignments what should rush! ! Assignments are not good at doing, and embarrassed to ask my group member to help me, even though they "like" choose a "simpler" topic to me. Is possibly unable to use my brain, so I find it difficult. Sorry for my group member, I will do my best.Can I do it well ?
Start from next 2 weeks's  every Saturday and Sunday I have to go competition and coaching courses. I don't know how can I die right now! And final exams are coming soon!  Is afraid of doing badly: ( So now if I have time I like to do some revision seriously! I told to Gary and Khai Quan my hobbies are reading and attend classes, they laughed loudly . What's so funny? This are my two monthly hobbies.hahahahaha...Can I keep studying for anytime I want to ?

I was lucky I had a good father and good mother, good sister and brothers! Although I'm not a princess, but actually the whole family is very accommodating to me. Thank you very much.Can I want you all be my permanent family member?

I just think  a child why even didnt want to back the only home that's really a child's problem? or also parents? Hey, somebody else's family I don't matter to discuss. I just want to say: Aunty,your daughter is safe with us, we did not do anything bad, we did what young people want to do and something that will do.Sorry, Aunty, let your daughter late to back home and sorry let you to worry about it. Can aunty you just believe me?
Luckily I have a group of best friend who are willing to accompany me and did somethings crazy with me, thank you.
I hope our relationship is like a family member will not be broken!Can you all stay with me ?

Friday, October 17, 2014

2014 年


My day , my monthI'm February baby.
Thank you my family ,my gang and my college friend who help me to celebrate my birthday :)

we known each other since from form 3 , this is the very first pic we took 

thx guys :)
*they know I'm fall in love in pandan layer cake ,so....hahahahha
*I ady ate 4 pandan cakes at this year. ki siao one XP 

I'm still join MSSD at this year
Congratulation SMK Keppng Team to get 3 golds and a silver in year 2014.
SMK Kepong 2014 - P15 (champion)

SMK Kepong 2014 - L15 (1st runner up)

SMK Kepong 2014 - L18 (champion)

SMK Kepong 2014 - P18 (champion)

I wish kepong team can get 4 championships at the following years.. Guys pls train hard and play smart.
This year i didnt lead a team go for participant in MSSS,because those stupid exams ... haiz

Sem 2 was over .As four of us had promised plan for a trip long time ago since we graduated from high school .So we planned for a simple trip at penang...
At this trip , I felt not constrained because every time we woke up very late then only decide where/which places we should go..hahaha
We are “steady pai”.. hahaha

So well after the trip ,we need rectify our mood to prepare a new semester....
No need to guess what, I still feel whatever for my studies. Who cares?

At this year,I have participated Malaysia U-20.
My Beloved Teammate <3 font="">

 Selangor Basketball Club

After the few months , is the time for break semester.Yeahh
So this time where I go? That's Melaka . Melaka trip with basketball gang!! This is the very first trip with them .This was a memorable trip and amazing. I never went a trip like this trip , that was comfortable, freedom, no worries,  like has someone to serve me and take care of me.Thank you and love you guys so much <3 nbsp="">
Thanks the two boys always sit beside me when we were having our meals.Because they need to finsih what the foods I cant finish .hahaha
Thanks the girls who were always made jokes to us.

Miss the night we drink together. Seriously , that is the first time I drink beer/wine  with friend.Why they dont want to believe that is true?Really upset..HAIZZZ...hahahahha

 You all are amazing :)
Thanks You

Semester 4 is starting . And also a lot of tournaments at following months .Same like Dreaminder Cup [D Cup] , Sultan Cup and MWBL.I think i will die soon .

D- Cup

       Sorry cant lead you all go into final,that was a mistake made by me for sure.I will remind always what the mistake i did .I will coach and play well at next year.We took 2nd runner up at yr 2013.

The people who always acc me during the 2 weeks of my holiday.
                                   soo cheng
                                     man ni 
                               wai hoe and jia le 

We went the NUTRILITE Color Fun Run 2014.
  Have fun with them. Color balls attack!! That was before and after attacked by color balls .

Sultan Cup 2014 is over at this October .We get 1st runner up . This year is the best chance to take the championship , but task failed, we still took second place.Thx wei ying jie and ah bi are willing to rejoin our team. They taught me a lot of things, I like to play basketball with them.It was a golden opportunity to play with them.

                               Dreaminder Girl Team 2014

Sorry for my a lot of mistakes . We cant get the champion.So our target is get back the championship that is belong to us in next 2 years.